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Welcome to the Jeff Johnson for Minnesota Governor 2026 photoshop art gallery! We are honored that you stopped by to visit our exhibits and you are welcome to stay as along as you like with no closing hours. Yes, you can fly to Paris on an expensive airline ticket to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre museum for an admissions fee, but there's a cost effective alternative. You can simply visit our online gallery 24 hours a day 7 days a week from the comfort of your own home and no credit card is necessary for online viewing. Be sure to check for weekly updates in our online gallery! Invite your friends and share a wide range of emotions from gut wrenching laughter, heart sobbing cries, single or double face palm reactions, or you just might simply shake your head in the quiet moment of disgust. If you are looking for the Gov. Tim Walz Comedy Hour, you will need to stop in the governor's office at the state capitol or search online. Before you start the online viewing, please know that several of our award winning online art displays have won the coveted taxpayer "face palm" award which can be easily identified by one of the following two images:

Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! Dissatisfaction is guaranteed! If you are on a desktop computer and you cannot see the image details well, just hit the right mouse button and select "Open image in new tab" for better viewing.

March 17, 2025 - Lost & Found



Prepared by Jeff Johnson & Friends for Governor
PO Box 152
St. Cloud, MN 56301
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